Abhyanga & Bengkung Belly Bind (1.5 hour sessions)

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Abhyanga & Bengkung Belly Bind (1.5 hour sessions)

from $180.00

3 Sessions

  • One hour warm sesame oil bodywork with scalp/hair treatment, and a Mayan abdominal massage to gently guide your stomach muscles back together, aid in digestion, and the involution of your uterus.

  • 30 min. Bengkung Belly Bind session & one Ayurvedic tea service

*Choose your bind in the options below

*Once you book, we will reach out to you within 12 hours to schedule your first session.

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Benefits of Bengkung Belly Binding
Bengkung belly binding is a traditional Malaysian practice that involves wrapping the abdomen with a long strip of cloth. This practice has gained popularity in various parts of the world due to its numerous benefits for postpartum women.

1. Supports Abdominal Recovery:
Benkung belly binding provides gentle compression and support to the abdominal muscles, which helps in realigning the spine and pelvis postpartum. This support is especially beneficial for women who have had a cesarean delivery, as it can aid in reducing discomfort and promoting healing.

2. Assists in Uterine Contractions:
The gentle pressure from the binding can assist the uterus in contracting back to its pre-pregnancy size. This may help in reducing postpartum bleeding and aiding the overall recovery process.

3. Improves Posture:
By providing support to the core muscles and lower back, Benkung belly binding encourages better posture, which is particularly important during the postpartum period when many women experience back pain due to the physical demands of caring for a newborn.

4. Psychological Comfort:
The practice of belly binding can provide comfort and a feeling of security to new mothers as they adjust to their postpartum bodies. It can also offer a sense of closure to the pregnancy phase and aid in the emotional transition to motherhood.

5. Encourages Body Awareness:
Wearing the belly bind can promote body awareness and mindfulness, encouraging women to be more in tune with their postpartum recovery and fostering a sense of self-care.

6. Cultural Connection:
For women from cultures where belly binding is a common practice, embracing Benkung binding can serve as a way to connect with their heritage and traditions, adding a meaningful cultural dimension to the postpartum experience.

Overall, Benkung belly binding offers a range of physical and emotional benefits for postpartum women, aiding in their recovery and providing support during a transformative phase of life.

The Profound Benefits of Receiving an Abhyanga

Abhyanga, an ancient Ayurvedic practice done with warm oils, offers a myriad of profound benefits for both the body and mind. Here are some of the key advantages of Abhyanga for postpartum recovery…

Physical Benefits

1. Nourishes the Skin: Regular Abhyanga helps in moisturizing the skin, promoting a healthy glow, and improving skin texture.
2. Enhances Circulation: The gentle massage strokes of Abhyanga promote better blood circulation, aiding in the delivery of nutrients and removal of toxins from the body's tissues.
3. Soothes the Nervous System: The warm oil used in Abhyanga has a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce stress and promote relaxation.
4. Supports Joint Health: The practice of Abhyanga can help relieve muscle tension, improve joint mobility, and alleviate stiffness, thereby supporting overall joint health.

Mental and Emotional Benefits

1. Promotes Relaxation: The rhythmic nature of Abhyanga massage induces a sense of calmness, helping to alleviate mental stress and anxiety.
2. Balances Emotions: Ayurvedic oils used in Abhyanga are chosen for their specific properties, which can help balance emotions and promote emotional well-being.
3. Enhances Mindfulness: The act of self-massage encourages mindfulness and self-awareness, fostering a deeper mind-body connection.
4. Supports Sleep: Regular Abhyanga before bedtime can promote better sleep by calming the mind and preparing the body for rest.

Overall Well-being

1. Aids in Detoxification: The massage techniques of Abhyanga can stimulate the lymphatic system, supporting the body's natural detoxification processes.
2. Boosts Energy Levels: By promoting relaxation and reducing mental fatigue, Abhyanga can help restore and boost overall energy levels.
3. Supports Overall Ayurvedic Balance: In Ayurveda, Abhyanga is believed to help balance the doshas, leading to an overall sense of well-being and harmony within the body.

In conclusion, the practice of Abhyanga offers comprehensive benefits encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By incorporating this nourishing self-massage into your routine, you can experience a profound sense of balance and rejuvenation in your daily life.